java mongodb开发_Java Tutorial:Java操作MongoDB入门

 2023-09-08 阅读 27 评论 0

摘要:【IT168 技术】个人编译能力有限,以下提供英汉对照,欢迎讨论指正。Introduction介绍MongoDb、This page is a brief overview of working with the MongoDB Java Driver.这是使用MongoDB java驱动的简单说明。For more information about the Java API, please

【IT168 技术】个人编译能力有限,以下提供英汉对照,欢迎讨论指正。



MongoDb、This page is a brief overview of working with the MongoDB Java Driver.

这是使用MongoDB java驱动的简单说明。

For more information about the Java API, please refer to the online API Documentation for Java Driver


mongodb使用教程?A Quick Tour

Using the Java driver is very simple. First, be sure to include the driver jar mongo.jar in your classpath. The following code snippets come from the examples/ example code found in the driver.


Making A Connection

docker mongodb。创建连接

To make a connection to a MongoDB, you need to have at the minimum, the name of a database to connect to. The database doesn't have to exist - if it doesn't, MongoDB will create it for you.


Additionally, you can specify the server address and port when connecting. The following example shows three ways to connect to the database mydb on the local machine :

mybatis mongodb,此外,你还可以指定数据库服务器地址和端口。下边的例子中有三种连接本机mydb数据库方法:


Mongo m=newMongo();//orMongo m=newMongo("localhost");//orMongo m=newMongo("localhost",27017);

DB db=m.getDB("mydb");

java session。At this point, the db object will be a connection to a MongoDB server for the specified database. With it, you can do further operations.


Note: The Mongo object instance actually represents a pool of connections to the database; you will only need one object of class Mongo even with multiple threads. See the concurrency doc page for more information.


django mongodb?The Mongo class is designed to be thread safe and shared among threads. Typically you create only 1 instance for a given DB cluster and use it across your app. If for some reason you decide to create many mongo intances, note that:


all resource usage limits (max connections, etc) apply per mongo instance.


mongodb怎么用、to dispose of an instance, make sure you call mongo.close() to clean up resources.






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