python算法题库,leetcode 179 python
题目要求: python中map函数的用法: python中lstrip和rstrip的用法: import f
时间:2023-09-21  |  阅读:22
python算法题库,leetcode 315 python
题目要求: python列表insert的操作: python内置函数binect的用法:
时间:2023-09-21  |  阅读:21
python算法题库,leetcode 198 python
题目要求: class Solution:def rob(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:if not nums:return 0if len(nums) == 1:return nums[0]if len(nums) == 2:return max(nums[0], nums[1])dp = [0] * len(nu
时间:2023-09-21  |  阅读:20
leetCode,LeetCode: Valid Sudoku
一次过。。 1 class Solution { 2 public: 3 bool isValidSudoku(vector<vector<char> > &board) { 4 // Start typing your C/C++ solution below 5 // DO NOT write int main() function 6 for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { 7 bool fl
时间:2023-09-20  |  阅读:21
leetCode,LeetCode:Remove Duplicates from Sorted List I II
LeetCode:Remove Duplicates from Sorted List Given a sorted linked list, delete all duplicates such that each element appear only once. For example, Given 1->1->2, return 1->2. Given 1->1->2->3->3, return 1->2->3. 分析:和从
时间:2023-09-20  |  阅读:24
LEETCODE,[leetcode]LRU Cache
双链表+map 实现。所有数据存在链表里,map里存key到Node*的映射。注意当删除时除了要从链表尾部删除节点外,还要map.erase(it)。Node里也要有key,因为为了删除时方便找到it。 #include <map> using namespace std;class Node { public:int ke
时间:2023-09-20  |  阅读:24
leetCode,LeetCode 295. Find Median from Data Stream
原题链接在这里: 题目: Median is the middle value in an ordered integer list. If the size of the list is even, there is no middle value. So the median is the mean of the two middle va
时间:2023-09-20  |  阅读:19
[LeetCode]400. Nth Digit
/*思路很简单 没有很特别的方法1.先找到要找的数是几位数2.再找到要找的数是那个数中的3.最后在上一步的数中找到结果*/public int findNthDigit(int n) {//几位数long len = 1;//范围内有多少数long count = 9;//开始的数long sta = 1;while (n>count*len){n
时间:2023-09-19  |  阅读:23
[LeetCode]657.Judge Route Circle
题目描述: Initially, there is a Robot at position (0, 0). Given a sequence of its moves, judge if this robot * makes a circle, which means it moves back to the original place. The move sequence is represented by a string. And each move is represent
时间:2023-09-19  |  阅读:19
题目描述 给定一个二维网格和一个单词,找出该单词是否存在于网格中。 单词必须按照字母顺序,通过相邻的单元格内的字母构成,其中 “相邻” 单元格是那些水平相邻或垂直相邻的单元格。同一个单元格内的字母不允许被重复使用。 示例: board = [['A
时间:2023-09-19  |  阅读:21


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