python生成器的使用by Radu Raicea 由Radu Raicea 应该如何以及为什么使用Python生成器 (How — and why — you should use Python Generators) Generators have been an important part of Python ever since they were introduced with PEP 255. 自从PEP 255被引入以来
时间:2023-09-06  |  阅读:33
学python分析双色球by Conor Dewey 由Conor Dewey 我通过使用Python分析了80多个工作拒绝而学到的东西 (What I learned from analyzing more than 80 job rejections with Python) We’ve all gotten those emails at one point or another. You know, the ones that start w
时间:2023-09-06  |  阅读:31
python抓取网站乱码by Devanshu Jain 由Devanshu Jain It is that time of the year when the air is filled with the claps and cheers of 4 and 6 runs during the Indian Premier League Cricket T20 tournament followed by the ICC Cricket World Cup in England. And h
时间:2023-09-06  |  阅读:31
命令行参数解析 初级 sys.argv 高级 getopt: C-style parser for command line options optparse(比较老了) argparse(>=2.7) 后面这两个标准库,可以生成帮助文档,参数语法等符合某种规范的参数解析 关于参数问题 位置参数, 选项参
时间:2023-09-06  |  阅读:27
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import turtle import time# 画爱心的顶部 def LittleHeart():for i in range(200):turtle.right(1)turtle.forward(2)# 输入表白的语句,默认I Love you love = input('请输入表白语句,默认为输入为"I Love you": '
时间:2023-09-06  |  阅读:26
Pygame的历史 Pygame是一个利用SDL库的写的游戏库,SDL呢,全名Simple DirectMedia Layer,是一位叫做Sam Lantinga的大牛写的,据说他为了让Loki(致力于向Linux上移植Windows的游戏的一家大好人公司,可惜已经倒闭,唉好人不长命
时间:2023-09-06  |  阅读:29
Ubuntu16 python2.7升级python3.5
正常情况下,你安装好ubuntu16.04版本之后,系统会自带python2.7版本,如果需要下载新版本的python3.5,就需要进行更新。下面给出具体教程: 1.首先在ubuntu的终端ternimal输入命令: sudo apt-get install python3 博主选择的是安装py
时间:2023-09-06  |  阅读:28
python 统计单词个数---从文件读取版本---不去重
#/usr//bin/envpytnon #coding:utf-8importre''' words='helloworda@r3143#######$dfabpple#apple##%#$3423421apple\apple323423432422324##apple@@#@@@@@$$!!#!#' '''#编译生成正则表达式对象 regexp
时间:2023-09-05  |  阅读:81


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