swift常用第三方庫,codable swift_使用Codable進行Swift JSON解析

 2023-11-19 阅读 24 评论 0

摘要:codable swiftIn this tutorial, we’ll be discussing the Codable Protocol and its forms in order to parse/serialize JSON in our Swift Playground. We have previously discussed Swift JSON parsing using JSONSerialization. 在本教程中,我們將討論可編碼協議

codable swift

In this tutorial, we’ll be discussing the Codable Protocol and its forms in order to parse/serialize JSON in our Swift Playground. We have previously discussed Swift JSON parsing using JSONSerialization.

在本教程中,我們將討論可編碼協議及其形式,以便在我們的Swift Playground中解析/序列化JSON。 前面我們已經討論了使用JSONSerialization Swift JSON解析 。

快速編碼協議 (Swift Codable Protocol)

swift常用第三方庫,Codable Protocol was introduced in Swift4 and is a nice replacement for NSCoding.


Let’s review NSCoding once.


Swift NSCoding (Swift NSCoding)

swift編譯器、NSCoding protocol which is a part of the foundation framework has been there for the same purpose i.e. encoding and decoding data to/from JSON respectively.


Let’s use NSCoding in our XCode Playground.

讓我們在XCode Playground中使用NSCoding。

class Student : NSObject, NSCoding
{var name: String?var age: Int?required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder){//Returns an object initialized from data in a provided unarchiver.self.name = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "name") as? Stringself.age = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "age") as? Int}init(name:String,age:Int) {self.name = nameself.age = age}func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder){//Encodes the given object using provided archiver.aCoder.encode(self.name, forKey: "name")aCoder.encode(self.age, forKey: "age")}override var description: String {get {return "[ name=\(self.name) ; age=\(self.age) ]"}}

encode along with the decoder init function must be implemented since we’ve used the NSCoding Protocol.


For serialization we use the class NSKeyedArchiver:


let student = Student(name: "Anupam", age: 24)
let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: student)
let decoded = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: data) as! Student
print(decoded)//Prints [ name=Optional("Anupam") ; age=Optional(24) ]

Try changing the key name in any of the function and you’ll see a nil returned.


NSCoding is useful for saving the application state by saving the object graph in the Archiver.


Having said that, NSCoding has its disadvantages too:


  • Cannot be used with anything else except Classes in Swift.

  • Too much redundant code for encoding and decoding. Need to add for each field.

    編碼和解碼的冗余代碼過多。 需要為每個字段添加。

Apple recognized these drawbacks and brought in the Codable Protocol for swifter development!


Codable Protocol is the amalgamation of two protocols: encodable and decodable.

可編碼協議是兩種協議的組合: encodabledecodable

Codable is a typealias:


typealias Codable = Encodable & Decodable

These protocols work with the Swift class, struct, enums.

這些協議與Swift類 struct 枚舉一起使用 。

Another protocol CodingKey is used to defined our own custom keys.


We can omit certain values by assigning default values to them.


Encodable protocol encodes the custom type into a data. The data can be a plist or a JSON.

可編碼協議將自定義類型編碼為數據。 數據可以是plist或JSON。

Encodable uses the encode(to: ) function.

Encodable使用encode(to: ) :)函數。

Decodable coverts the data back to the custom type.


Decodable uses the init(from: ) function.

Decodable使用init(from: ) :)函數。

JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder are used for JSON data


PropertyListEncoder and PropertyListDecoder are used for plist data.


編碼和解碼JSON數據 (Encoding and Decoding JSON Data)

enum Section: String, Codable
{case Acase Bcase C
class Student: NSObject, Codable
{var name: String = ""var id: URL? = nilvar year: Int = 0var isNew:Bool = truevar peer: [String:String]? = nilvar section: Section = .A}let student = Student()
student.name = "Anupam"
student.year = 2011
student.id = URL(string: "https://www.journaldev.com")
student.section = .Blet encodedObject = try? JSONEncoder().encode(student)
if let encodedObjectJsonString = String(data: encodedObject!, encoding: .utf8)

To Decode a JSON string we do:


let jsonString = """
if let jsonData = jsonString.data(using: .utf8)
{let studentObject = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Student.self, from: jsonData)

Decoding a JSON Array


let jsonString = """
if let jsonData = jsonString.data(using: .utf8)
{let studentObject = try? JSONDecoder().decode([Student].self, from: jsonData)print(studentObject?.count)
If the json string that is passed to the decoder doesn’t have all the properties, it will return a nil instance.

Nested Data


刪除不必要的屬性 (Removing unnecessary properties)

Using the CodingKey protocol we can decide which properties we want to encode or decode.


enum Section: String, Codable
{case Acase Bcase C
class Student: NSObject, Codable
{var name: String = ""var id: URL? = nilvar year: Int = 0var isNew:Bool = truevar peer: [String:String]? = nilvar section: Section = .Aenum CodingKeys:String,CodingKey{case namecase id}
}let student = Student()
student.name = "Anupam"
student.year = 2011
student.id = URL(string: "https://www.journaldev.com")
student.section = .B




Only the cases passed are encoded.


使用自定義鍵名 (Using custom key names)

Again the CodingKey protocol is used to assign custom key names to the properties that will be encoded and decoded.


enum Section: String, Codable
{case Acase Bcase C
class Student: NSObject, Codable
{var name: String = ""var id: URL? = nilvar year: Int = 0var isNew:Bool = truevar peer: [String:String]? = nilvar section: Section = .Aenum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {case name = "user_name"case id = "user_id"case yearcase isNew = "is_new"case peercase section}


swift codable cusom keys output


This brings an end to this tutorial on Swift Codable Protocol. It’s used often in JSON Parsing in iOS Applications.

這樣就結束了有關Swift Codable Protocol的本教程。 它經常在iOS應用程序的JSON解析中使用。

翻譯自: https://www.journaldev.com/21850/swift-json-parsing-codable

codable swift





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