scala. 動態二維數組,scala 構造_Scala咖喱和自動類型依賴的封閉構造

 2023-11-19 阅读 17 评论 0

摘要:scala 構造Scala Currying is the process of transforming a function that takes multiple arguments into a single argument. Scala Currying是將包含多個參數的函數轉換為單個參數的過程。 scala. 動態二維數組,Consider an example of multiplying two numbers .Open t

scala 構造

Scala Currying is the process of transforming a function that takes multiple arguments into a single argument.

Scala Currying是將包含多個參數的函數轉換為單個參數的過程。

scala. 動態二維數組,Consider an example of multiplying two numbers .Open the scala REPL shell and create the multiply method as

考慮一個將兩個數字相乘的示例。打開scala REPL shell并創建乘法方法為

def multiply(a:Int,b:Int) = a*b
Output:multiply: (a: Int, b: Int)Int

The multiply function accepts two arguments a and b of Integer data type and return the result of a*b which is of Integer data type.

乘法函數接受Integer數據類型的兩個參數a和b并返回a * b的結果,該結果是Integer數據類型。

scala元組、Invoke the method as multiply(4,5) and you will get output as res10:Int = 20

將方法調用為乘法(4,5),您將獲得輸出為res10:Int = 20

Now let us apply the currying for this function as;


def multiply(a:Int) = (b:Int) => a*b

scala找不到或無法加載主類、Output: multiply: (a: Int)Int => Int

輸出:乘以:(a:Int)Int => Int

The multiply function takes a single argument a of Integer data type in the function declaration. Inside the function it takes one more parameter b of Integer data type and return a* b as the result.

乘法函數在函數聲明中采用Integer數據類型的單個參數a。 在函數內部,它需要再加上一個Integer數據類型的參數b并返回a * b作為結果。

scala定義類。Suppose if we invoke the function with single argument the function closure reference is returned as


res10: Int => Int = <function1>

Invoke the function by passing two arguments as


res11:Int = 20

自動類型相關的封閉構造 (Automatic Type Dependent Closure Construction)

In scala, parameterless function names allows as parameters of methods. When such methods are called the nullary functions are evaluated and not the actual parameters for the parameterless function names. The nullary function encapsulates computation of the corresponding parameter called call-by-name evaluation.

在scala中,無參數函數名稱允許作為方法的參數。 調用此類方法時,將評估無效函數,而不評估無參數函數名稱的實際參數。 無效函數封裝了稱為“按名字求值”評估的相應參數的計算。

Let’s look at an example to understand this more clearly.




package com.journaldev.scalaobject TypeDependent {def main(args: Array[String]) {def forloop(rule: => Boolean)(body: => Unit): Unit =if (rule) {bodyforloop(rule)(body)}var i = 7forloop(i > 2) {println("i: " + i)i -= 1}}

We are creating an object TypeDependent which defines a method “forloop”. This method takes two parameters rule and body. Whenever the formal parameters are used in the body of forloop, the implicitly created nullary functions will be evaluated. Here we are implementing for loop, below image shows the output of above program.

我們正在創建一個對象TypeDependent ,該對象定義了一種方法“ forloop”。 該方法采用規則和正文兩個參數。 每當在forloop主體中使用形式參數時,都會評估隱式創建的null函數。 這里我們實現了for循環,下圖顯示了上面程序的輸出。

Now let us have a look at more complex example with more operations.




package com.journaldev.scalaobject Typedep extends App {def t1(body: => Unit): Criteria =new Criteria(body)protected class Criteria(body: => Unit) {def condition(rule: => Boolean) {bodyif (!rule) condition(rule)}}var x = 7t1 {println("x: " + x)x -= 1} condition (x == 2)

We are creating a scala object which contains a method t1 that accepts body parameter of Unit data type and returns an instance of class Criteria. The criteria class defines has a method “condition” which checks the condition if x == 2 after decrementing the value of x. Below image shows the output of the above program.

我們正在創建一個scala對象,其中包含方法t1,該方法接受Unit數據類型的body參數并返回Criteria類的實例。 標準類定義了一個方法“ condition”,該方法在遞減x的值后,如果x == 2,則檢查條件。 下圖顯示了以上程序的輸出。

Personally I don’t like this feature a lot because of complexity, but it’s good to know.



scala 構造





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