远程服务器卡了怎么办,smb服务器速度测试_通过 SMB 直通优化文件服务器的性能 | Microsoft Docs

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摘要:SMB 直通SMB Direct04/05/2018本文内容远程服务器卡了怎么办?适用于:Windows Server 2012 R2、Windows Server 2012、Windows Server 2016Applies to: Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016Windows Server 2012 R2、Windows Server 2012

SMB 直通SMB Direct



远程服务器卡了怎么办?适用于:Windows Server 2012 R2、Windows Server 2012、Windows Server 2016Applies to: Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016

Windows Server 2012 R2、Windows Server 2012 和 Windows Server 2016 包含一个称为 SMB 直通的功能,用来支持使用具有远程直接内存存取 (RDMA) 功能的网络适配器。Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2016 include a feature called SMB Direct, which supports the use of network adapters that have Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) capability. 使用 RDMA 的网络适配器能够全速运行, 延迟时间非常低,CPU 使用量非常少。Network adapters that have RDMA can function at full speed with very low latency, while using very little CPU. 对于 Hyper-V 或 Microsoft SQL Server 等工作负载,这让远程文件服务器如同本地存储一样。For workloads such as Hyper-V or Microsoft SQL Server, this enables a remote file server to resemble local storage. SMB 直通包括:SMB Direct includes:

提高了吞吐量:利用高速网络的完整吞吐量,其中网络适配器以线速度协调大量数据的传输。Increased throughput: Leverages the full throughput of high speed networks where the network adapters coordinate the transfer of large amounts of data at line speed.

低延迟时间:提供极其快速的网络请求响应功能,因此使远程文件存储如同直接连接的模块存储功能一样易于操作。Low latency: Provides extremely fast responses to network requests, and, as a result, makes remote file storage feel as if it is directly attached block storage.

服务器数据盘为什么要做直通盘。低 CPU 使用率:在网络上传输数据时,占用较少 CPU 周期,从而为服务器应用程序保留更多空闲能量。Low CPU utilization: Uses fewer CPU cycles when transferring data over the network, which leaves more power available to server applications.

SMB 直通由 Windows Server 2012 R2 和 Windows Server 2012 自动配置。SMB Direct is automatically configured by Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012.

SMB 多通道和 SMB 直通SMB Multichannel and SMB Direct

SMB 多通道的功能是负责检测网络适配器 RDMA 功能以启用 SMB 直通。SMB Multichannel is the feature responsible for detecting the RDMA capabilities of network adapters to enable SMB Direct. 如果未配置 SMB 多通道,则 SMB 使用常规 TCP/IP 与支持 RDMA 功能的网络适配器(所有网络适配器均提供 TCP/IP 堆栈和新的 RDMA 堆栈)。Without SMB Multichannel, SMB uses regular TCP/IP with the RDMA-capable network adapters (all network adapters provide a TCP/IP stack along with the new RDMA stack).

修改安卓ntp服务器,SMB 使用 SMB 多通道检测网络适配器是否具有 RDMA 功能,然后为该单一会话创建多重 RDMA 连接(每个接口有两个)。With SMB Multichannel, SMB detects whether a network adapter has the RDMA capability, and then creates multiple RDMA connections for that single session (two per interface). 这允许 SMB 使用支持 RDMA-功能的网络适配器,从而提供高吞吐量、低延迟时间和较少 CPU 使用率这些功能。This allows SMB to use the high throughput, low latency, and low CPU utilization offered by RDMA-capable network adapters. 此外,在使用多重 RDMA 接口时,它还具有容错功能。It also offers fault tolerance if you are using multiple RDMA interfaces.


如果您打算使用网络适配器 RDMA 功能,则不应组合支持 RDMA 功能的网络适配器。You should not team RDMA-capable network adapters if you intend to use the RDMA capability of the network adapters. 组合时,网络适配器将不再支持 RDMA 功能。When teamed, the network adapters will not support RDMA.

至少创建一个 RDMA 网络连接,不再使用 TCP/IP 连接(用于原始协议协商)。After at least one RDMA network connection is created, the TCP/IP connection used for the original protocol negotiation is no longer used. 然而,在 RDMA 网络连接崩溃时,系统保持 TCP/IP 连接。However, the TCP/IP connection is retained in case the RDMA network connections fail.

sas 速度,要求Requirements

SMB 直通要求如下:SMB Direct requires the following:

至少需要两台运行 Windows Server 2012 R2 或 Windows Server 2012 的计算机At least two computers running Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2012

一个或多个支持 RDMA 功能的网络适配器One or more network adapters with RDMA capability.

Smb端口?使用 SMB 直通时的注意事项Considerations when using SMB Direct

可以在故障转移集群中使用 SMB 直通;然而,对于 SMB 直通而言,这需要确保用于客户端访问的集群网络的强大性。You can use SMB Direct in a failover cluster; however, you need to make sure that the cluster networks used for client access are adequate for SMB Direct. 故障转移集群支持使用多个网络进行客户端访问,同时使用支持 RSS(接收方扩展技术)和 RDMA 功能的网络适配器。Failover clustering supports using multiple networks for client access, along with network adapters that are RSS (Receive Side Scaling)-capable and RDMA-capable.

在 Hyper-V 管理操作系统上,使用 SMB 直通来支持 Hyper-V 在 SMB 之上的使用,并在使用 Hyper-V 存储器堆栈的虚拟机上提供存储空间。You can use SMB Direct on the Hyper-V management operating system to support using Hyper-V over SMB, and to provide storage to a virtual machine that uses the Hyper-V storage stack. 然而,支持 RDMA 功能的网络适配器却不能直接用于 Hyper-V 客户端。However, RDMA-capable network adapters are not directly exposed to a Hyper-V client. 如果将支持 RDMA 功能的网络适配器连接到虚拟交换机上,自交换机上的虚拟网络适配器将不再是支持 RDMA 功能的网络适配器。If you connect an RDMA-capable network adapter to a virtual switch, the virtual network adapters from the switch will not be RDMA-capable.

如果禁用 SMB 多通道,也将同时禁用 SMB 直通。If you disable SMB Multichannel, SMB Direct is also disabled. 由于 SMB 多通道用于检测网络适配器的功能,并确定网络适配器是否支持 RDMA,禁用 SMB 多通道之后,客户端将无法使用 SMB 直通。Since SMB Multichannel detects network adapter capabilities and determines whether a network adapter is RDMA-capable, SMB Direct cannot be used by the client if SMB Multichannel is disabled.

k8s dns、Windows RT不支持 SMB 直通。SMB Direct is not supported on Windows RT. SMB 直通需要支持 RDMA 功能的网络适配器,但仅能用于 Windows Server 2012 R2 和 Windows Server 2012。SMB Direct requires support for RDMA-capable network adapters, which is available only on Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012.

Windows Server 低端版本不支持 SMB 直通。SMB Direct is not supported on down-level versions of Windows Server. 仅 Windows Server 2012 R2 和 Windows Server 2012 支持。It is supported only on Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012.

启用和禁用 SMB 直通Enabling and disabling SMB Direct

如果安装了 Windows Server 2012 R2 或 Windows Server 2012,则默认情况下启用 SMB 直通。SMB Direct is enabled by default when Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2012 is installed. SMB 客户端自动执行检测,并在确定相应配置后使用攀个网络连接。The SMB client automatically detects and uses multiple network connections if an appropriate configuration is identified.

smb服务器连接错误,禁用 SMB 直通Disable SMB Direct

在通常情况下,无需禁用 SMB 直通,然而,在运行下面一种 Windows PowerShell 脚本时,可以将其禁用。Typically, you will not need to disable SMB Direct, however, you can disable it by running one of the following Windows PowerShell scripts.

要禁用特定接口的 RDMA,键入:To disable RDMA for a specific interface, type:


不能连接smb服务器,要禁用所有接口的 RDMA,键入:To disable RDMA for all interfaces, type:

Set-NetOffloadGlobalSetting -NetworkDirect Disabled

在客户端或服务器上禁用 RDMA 时,系统将无法使用该功能。When you disable RDMA on either the client or the server, the systems cannot use it. Network Direct 是用于 RDMA 接口的 Windows Server 2012 R2 和 Windows Server 2012 基本网络支持的内部名称 。Network Direct is the internal name for Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012 basic networking support for RDMA interfaces.

重新启用 SMB 直通Re-enable SMB Direct

服务器卡怎么解决,禁用 RDMA 之后,可以通过运行下面一个 Windows PowerShell 脚本重新启用该功能。After disabling RDMA, you can re-enable it by running one of the following Windows PowerShell scripts.

要重新启用特定接口的 RDMA,键入:To re-enable RDMA for a specific interface, type:


要重新启用所有接口的 RDMA,键入:To re-enable RDMA for all interfaces, type:

手机创建smb服务器,Set-NetOffloadGlobalSetting -NetworkDirect Enabled

RDMA 需要在客户端和服务器上同时启用后,方可再次使用。You need to enable RDMA on both the client and the server to start using it again.

测试 SMB 直通的性能Test performance of SMB Direct

通过使用下面一个程序,可以测试 SMB 直通的工作性能。You can test how the performance is working by using one of the following procedures.

比较使用和不使用 SMB 直通进行的文件复制Compare a file copy with and without using SMB Direct

下面介绍如何测量 SMB 直通吞吐量增量:Here's how to measure the increased throughput of SMB Direct:

配置 SMB 直通Configure SMB Direct

测量使用 SMB 直通进行较大文件复制的时间量Measure the amount of time to run a large file copy using SMB Direct.

测量不使用 SMB 直通进行较大文件复制的时间量Measure the amount of time to run a large file copy without using SMB Direct.

重新启用网络适配器上的 RDMA,然后比较两个结果。Re-enable RDMA on the network adapter, and then compare the two results.

为避免缓存影响,应执行下列操作:To avoid the impact of caching, you should do the following:

复制大量数据(处理超出内存量的大量数据的功能)。Copy a large amount of data (more data than memory is capable of handling).

复制数据两次,第一次复制为操作,第二次复制为定时传输。Copy the data twice, with the first copy as practice and then timing the second copy.

进行每次测试前重启服务器和客户端,以便确保它们在相似条件下运行。Restart both the server and the client before each test to make sure they operate under similar conditions.

使用 SMB 直通执行文件复制过程中,多个网络适配器中有一个发生故障Fail one of multiple network adapters during a file copy with SMB Direct

下面介绍如何确认 SMB 直通的故障转移功能:Here's how to confirm the failover capability of SMB Direct:

确保 SMB 直通在多个网络适配器配置环境下正确工作。Ensure that SMB Direct is functioning in a multiple network adapter configuration.

运行较大文件复制。Run a large file copy. 运行复制过程中,通过断开一条电缆(或通过禁用一个网络适配器)来模拟网络路径发生的故障。While the copying is run, simulate a failure of one of the network paths by disconnecting one of the cables (or by disabling one of the network adapters).

确定使用其余一个网络适配器继续传输文件复制,而未发生任何文件复制错误。Confirm that the file copying continues using one of the remaining network adapters, and that there are no file copy errors.


在不使用 SMB 直通的情况下,为避免工作负载失败,确保在网络路径中断后不再执行其他工作负载。To avoid failures of a workload that does not use SMB Direct, make sure there are no other workloads using the disconnected network path.

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