hadoop運行wordcount卡住了,Windows7系統運行hadoop報Failed to locate the winutils binary in
程序運行的過程中,報Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path ?Java.io.IOException: Could not locate executable\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries. 通過斷點調試、查看源碼發現程序需要根據HADOOP_HOME找到winutils.exe,由于win機
时间:2023-10-15  |  阅读:22
hadoop未找到命令,WIN7下運行hadoop程序報:Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop
? 項目中用到了Hbase,貌似用了Hadoop。? 項目啟動的時候,報了錯,但是不影響正常使用。? 但是,控制臺有紅色錯誤,看著不太爽,就想辦法把這個問題解決了。? 錯誤提示“Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path ?ja
时间:2023-10-06  |  阅读:17
Can't locate Config.pm in @INC
修改时间 26-NOV-2008 类型 PROBLEM 状态 PUBLISHED Applies to: Application Install - Version: 11.5.9 This problem can occur on any platform. Symptoms When running the following command to generate the context file using note 165195.1 perl adbldxml.pl tier
时间:2023-09-05  |  阅读:203


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