game turbo 4.0,Evolution Game DP

 2023-10-20 阅读 27 评论 0

摘要:題目描述 In the fantasy world of ICPC there are magical beasts. As they grow, these beasts can change form, and every time they do they become more powerful. A beast cannot change form completely arbitrarily though. In each form a beast has n eyes and k h

In the fantasy world of ICPC there are magical beasts. As they grow, these beasts can change form, and every time they do they become more powerful. A beast cannot change form completely arbitrarily though. In each form a beast has n eyes and k horns, and these affect the changes it can make.

A beast can only change to a form with more horns than it currently has.
A beast can only change to a form that has a difference of at most w eyes. So, if the beast currently has n eyes it can change to a form with eyes in range [n - w, n + w].

A beast has one form for every number of eyes between 1 and N, and these forms will also have an associated number of horns. A beast can be born in any form. The question is, how powerful can one of these beasts become? In other words, how many times can a beast change form before it runs out of possibilities?

The first line contains two integers, N and w, that indicate, respectively, the maximum eye number, and the maximum eye difference allowed in a change (1 ≤ N ≤ 5000; 0 ≤ w ≤ N).
The next line contains N integers which represent the number of horns in each form. I.e. the ith number, h(i), is the number of horns the form with i eyes has (1 ≤ h(i) ≤ 1 000 000).

game turbo 4.0?輸出
For each test case, display one line containing the maximum possible number of changes.

5 5
5 3 2 1 4

Start with 1 horn and 4 eyes, and it can change 4 times: (1 horn 4 eyes) -> (2 horns 3 eyes) -> (3 horns 2 eyes) -> (4 horns 5 eyes) -> (5 horns 1 eye).




using namespace std;
int maxn=5005,inf=1e9;
int dp[5005],h[5005];
int main()
{int n,w,tar=0,ans=0;scanf("%d%d",&n,&w);for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){scanf("%d",&h[i]);if(h[i]>h[tar])tar=i;}int m=n;while(m--){for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)if(h[i]<h[tar]&&abs(i-tar)<=w){dp[i]=max(dp[i],dp[tar]+1);ans=max(ans,dp[i]);}h[tar]=inf;tar=0;for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)if(h[i]!=inf&&h[i]>h[tar])tar=i;}printf("%d\n",ans);





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